Neatio December Quest


111Today, we take a moment to celebrate our accomplishments and look forward to the future of Neatio project with a nice event dedicated to our community and supporters.

Over the past year, we have faced many challenges and overcome them, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our team and community. Today, we take a moment to celebrate our accomplishments and look forward to the future with a nice event dedicated to our community and supporters.

Event Details

Event Prize: 25,000 NEAT Event Duration: 10 days (15 December - 25 December) Winners: 10 people (randomly selected by the Gleam software)

Link to quest: Neatio December Quest


  1. Winners will be announced on 26 December;
  2. Prize distribution will be sent 27 December;
  3. Neatio team reserves all rights on this campaign.
  4. Neatio team reserves all rights on this campaign.

Enjoy the quest!

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